Past Events

The Cape Coral Vegan Street Fest February 25, 2024

We were really pleased with our second annual Cape Coral Street Fest. With 60 vendors, 4 speakers, 4 cooking demos…with free samples, the kid zone and lots of live music, there was lots to please everyone. Even Mother Nature graced us with a beautiful sunny day…perfect!! The success of the day left the group at Lifestyle Solutions Healthy Planet revved up to start planning for next year!

SOLD OUT! Michael Greger, MD, FACLM
– Sunday, January 7, 2024

On January 7, 2024 FSW State College, Lee Campus, 26 people volunteered to help with Dr Greger’s presentation and ensure the suitable pre and post activities went smoothly. It was a huge success for the sold-out crowd of two hundred people in the audience.

We really enjoyed the presentation by physician Dr. Michael Greger –Founder, President and Research Director of the science-based nonprofit based on his new book How Not to Age. He shared how people can implement simple yet powerful strategies to help maintain their youthful vitality and optimize their mental and physical health.

A New York Times best-selling author and recipient of the ACLM Lifestyle Medicine Trailblazer Award, Dr. Greger is a captivating, internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues.

Sponsored by:

Honey Leveen/Jim Goodale
Joyce & Jack Thomas
Steven Lauer, Owner of Gulf Coast Multimedia, LLC

The Cape Coral Vegan Street Fest March 12, 2023

This inaugural Street Fest was organized by Lifestyle Solutions Healthy Planet Inc. and was a great success. It boasted 48 vendors, 3 stages, 4 speakers, yoga and Pilates classes, an awesome local DJ, live music, a successful Kid’s  Zone  and 5 strongly attended cooking demos with free samples. We were delighted with more than 5,000 people arriving to enjoy the festivities.

Fired Up About Plants

The Fort Myers Shores Fire Department has been taking cooking classes for the past six weeks. Every recipe is plant-based and designed to boost energy and performance.

Paul Salyers, Firefighter said, “We’ve just noticed how much better we feel, and you can just tell with the diet change it’s just overall better for you.” It’s all a part of Chief Chris Dowaliby’s effort to introduce a healthier lifestyle approach.

Chief Chris Dowaliby, Fort Myers Shores Fire Department said, “The guys report that they’re not as sluggish as they used to be, they’ve got more energy when they’re out and they seem to recuperate faster after eating nutritionally.”

But there is another reason why Fort Myers Shores brought in Food for Life instructors Trish Smith and Kathy Reynaert Randall.

“I think a lot of us are already bringing it home to our families and making those changes it’s not just here, we’re trying to do it every day,” Slayer said.

Smith said if you’re ready to make the jump into plant-based eating some of the first things you can do are eat more greens, raw and cooked, and make sure you get lots of fiber. Watch the full WINK-TV News report.

Kathy Reynaert-Randall, Food for Life trainer and area developer, shown with two fire chiefs from the Fort Myers Shores fire station.

A Life on Our Planet: A Vision for the Future

In the fall of 2021, Lifestyle Solutions Healthy Planet participated in a series of 6 one-hour Zoom workshops based on the book A Life on our Planet by David Attenborough that Florida SouthWestern (FSW) State College hosted. ​FSW Professor Dr. Moderator Marcela Trevino facilitated the following sessions with FSW students about the power of plant-based diets for restoring planetary health. You may watch Attenborough’s documentary film by the same title here.

​SWFL Vegan Restaurant Week

In February 2021 SouthWest Florida’s first Vegan Restaurant Week was sponsored and organized by Lifestyle Solutions Healthy Planets. From a deliciously tempting menu of plant-based small plates to superfood smoothie bowls, it brought out the best of this culinary scene.” The Restaurants who participated in this event are shown on the “Restaurant Page.


From a deliciously tempting menu of plant-based small plates to superfood smoothie bowls, SouthWest Florida’s first Vegan Restaurant Week is the latest city to bring out the best of this culinary scene.

1. Vegans and omnivores can agree on one place to eat

Dining with a mixed crowd of eaters? Vegan Restaurant Week makes it easy for a group to find a venue to suit everyone’s dietary preferences. No more sad salads when your omni friends and family don’t want to go to a vegan restaurant; your options abound, especially during this special time of year.

2. Non-vegans are exposed to vegan cuisine

As veganism becomes more mainstream in the culinary world, many omnivores are giving it an occasional try when dining out. According to a study by insight marketing company FoodLabs, 51 percent of chefs in the US added plant-based options to their menus in 2018. Vegan Restaurant Week puts plant-based eats front and center of an otherwise animal-based menu.

3. The local economy benefits

The concept of Restaurant Week—vegan or otherwise—was invented to bolster the sales of restaurants during historically slow times. In up-and-coming foodie destinations like SouthWest Florida, supporting local restaurants and small food businesses creates a sense of community and helps the city thrive both from an economic and social standpoint.

4. Omni eateries get a vegan hint

If you believe in voting with your dollar, this is the week to do it. By dining at a restaurant that’s participating in Vegan Restaurant Week, and revisiting the restaurant in the weeks that follow, you’re paying proof that these plant-based options are needed 365 days a year, not just during this special event. Inform the manager that you first discovered the vegan items during Vegan Restaurant Week, and now you’re hooked (it’s fine to be liberal with your praise). Sure, you could write an email or fill out a comment card, but sometimes, putting your money where your mouth speaks in greater volume.

5. You can spice up your regular routine

When eating out, it’s easy to stick to the same safe places. There’s nothing wrong with knowing what you like and supporting vegan businesses, but this week allows you to explore different options.

6. It’s a win for local nonprofits

Beyond supporting local businesses, Vegan Restaurant Weeks around the US also incorporate a giving component. Lifestyle Solutions Healthy Planet Inc – a 501(c)3 is sponsoring Vegan Week, and will ensure that all proceeds from this foodie event will stay in South West Florida supporting good, local charities.

​Sustainability Fair at Florida SouthWestern State College

​On August 31, 2021, Florida SouthWestern (FSW) State College hosted a Sustainability Fair for its staff and students. Lifestyle Solutions Healthy Planet was present with a table at this event. It was an opportunity to promote a healthy lifestyle for human health, the health of the planet, and protection of animals.

Are you having a
Plant-Based event?

We want to support and build a coalition amongst like minded local groups and businesses. Please send us a note via our contact form and perhaps we can work together and partner.