Our Purpose Statement:

To promote healthy lifestyles for human health, the health of the planet, and the protection of those who are voiceless by providing education and opportunities for your best life.

From documentaries, like Forks Over Knives and The Game Changers, to Veg festivals and symposiums that are expanding across the country, interest for evidence-backed plant-based lifestyle medicine is sweeping across the nation.

Floridians are joining the movement of taking control of their health and making a positive difference on the planet. Our aim is to provide education and support for this progress.

Lifestyle Solutions Healthy Planet Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to educating people about the health & wellness benefits of a whole food, plant-based lifestyle.

Simply by choosing a whole food, plant-based lifestyle, TOGETHER we can help create a THRIVING and PEACEFUL WORLD for all, with respect for animals, and with the resources to grow healthy food for everyone.

What WE eat matters!

We are a Coalition builder – getting like-minded people and experts together to join us to improve lifestyle, diet, and compassion for animals. Join us to network together to form a new fabric of living

For the People, the Animals, and the Planet!